A flag raising ceremony took place today on ORP Albatros, another Kormoran II-type vessel built by a consortium of three Polish companies – Remontowa Shipbuilding, PGZ Stocznia Wojenna and Ośrodek Badawczo – Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej . The Kormorans (Type 258) are designed to search for and fight sea mines in the Baltic and North Sea.

Construction of the Albatross began in late 2018. It is a Kormoran II type unit, which was developed based on the experience of five years of operation of the prototype ORP Kormoran. The third unit in the series is ORP Mewa. The vessel, which is part of the MW RP, measures 58.5 meters in length and 10.3 meters in width and has a displacement of 830 tons Its hull is made of amagnetic steel. All three ships will reinforce the 13th Adm. Fleet Andrzej Karweta minesweeper squadron in Gdynia.

We are proud to have participated in the construction of ORP Albatros and the other Kormoran II type mine destroyers. Thanks to PGZ Stocznia Wojenna, ORP Albatros can see, hear and defend itself. Our Shipyard supplied and implemented the most advanced internal and external communications, navigation, and surface armament – artillery and missile sets – on the serial ships – said Paweł Lulewicz, CEO of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna. Thank you – on behalf of myself and the Consortium partners – for your confidence! I hope that the next units we will build for the Polish Navy will contribute to strengthening the security of our country and the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry.

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