PGZ Stocznia Wojenna has signed a contract with the Naval Port Command in Świnoujście for the medium and dockside repair of ORP Drużno and the main and dockside repair of ORP Wigry. These are the next two minesweepers, after ORP Mamry and ORP Necko, to be delivered to the Gdynia shipyard.

The signing of the contract for the minesweepers’ overhaul is another step in strengthening PGZ Stocznia Wojenna’s position as a key partner of the Polish Navy – said Marcin Ryngwelski, President of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna. – The comprehensive scope of work on both vessels, including both repairs and major upgrade, confirms the trust our Navy has in us. We are glad that once again we can deliver a project ensuring the maintenance of high efficiency of the Polish naval forces and thus contribute to the strengthening of our country’s defence potential.

In the case of ORP Drużno (641), the contract provides for the introduction of changes resulting from the experience gained during the use of modernised minesweepers of the 207 type, including, among others, the modernisation of the seawater cooling system and compressed air system along with the installation of new compressors. The stay at the shipyard will also be used for inspection and maintenance work on the hull and equipment and mechanisms including underwater weapon systems. Communications systems will also be upgraded.

The scope of work on ORP Wigry (644) is broader and includes a thorough modernisation involving the replacement of the main engines with gearboxes. The entire ship’s power plant including generators, main switchboards and ship’s automation will also be replaced. Anti-submarine weapons systems will be repaired, and the unit will be equipped with new compressors and ship systems adapted to the new equipment including modern navigation and communication systems.

The vessels being repaired are Project 207 base minesweepers for mine detection and neutralisation, on the basis of which the longest series of vessels for the Polish Navy was produced. This project is known for its use of innovative (for its time) technologies to minimise magnetic fields, which is crucial in mine countermeasures operations. The vessels were built at the Gdynia Naval Shipyard and entered service in 1990 (Drużno) and 1993 (Wigry). They are currently serving in the 12th minesweeper squadron of the 8th Coastal Defence Flotilla in Świnoujście.

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