PGZ Stocznia Wojenna has signed a contract for the delivery of the Eurotorp MU90 Torpedo launching system. Modular and already integrated into several combat management systems (CMS), the system has been specifically designed to launch MU90 LWT torpedoes.

Eurotorp MU90 Torpedo Launching System is fully proven and ensure very fast and efficient launching of subsequent torpedoes. The use of MU90 LWT Torpedo system advanced technology guarantees the Polish Navy high efficiency in defending the ships against evolved underwater targets.

The MU90 LWT is the leader of the third generation of LWT. Designed and built with the most advanced technology, the MU90 is a fire-and-forget LWT conceived to meet the Anti-Submarine Warfare operational needs of the 21st century.

MU90 LWT torpedo systems are in service with the French, Italian, German, Polish, Australian, Danish Navies. Miecznik Frigates will now also benefit from the MU90 LWT system potential.

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