As scheduled, at the end of November, the PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium updated and handed to MOD’s Armament Agency the Industrial Feasibility Study and the MIECZNIK frigate Preliminary Design. The extensive documentation, running to several thousand pages, describes the exact process for the MIECZNIK project. The approved documents will be the basis for negotiation talks on the final configuration of the frigates and the exact cost estimate. The pace of work and timeliness demonstrates the Group’s strong commitment to the project. The first multi-purpose boat is scheduled to be launched in 2026, and commissioned in 2028, with subsequent boats following in 2029 and 2031.

The PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium is formed by Poland’s Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, PGZ Stocznia Wojenna i Remontowa Shipbuilding. Strategic partners in the program are Babcock International (responsible for technology transfer, Arrowhead 140 based platform design), Thales UK (supplier of key components of the Integrated Combat System) and MBDA UK (providing the air defense system). The frigates built by the consortium will enhance Polish Navy capabilities: they will secure critical infrastructure in the Baltic and protect transport routes at sea. Thanks to them, Poland will also be able to engage to a greater extent in its allied obligations under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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