PGZ Stocznia Wojenna Sp. z o. o. a company duly incorporated under the laws of Poland, with registered office in ul. Śmidowicza 48, at Gdynia (81-127), registered with the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ, VIII Economic Division of the National Court Register in Gdańsk, under No. 0000657652, Tax Identification Number 7962975487, Company’s Industry Identification Number REGON 366293369, with a share capital of PLN 176 032 400 hereinafter referred to as “PGZ SW”, stipulates that the materials posted on this website at (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) shall not be considered an offer as provided by the Civil Code rules. The presented data have only the general use character.

Service contains among others trademarks or other original data. Service as a whole or it’s particular elements are legally protected following the rules of law, including particularly act on authors’ rights and neighbouring rights, industrial property rights and unfair competition suppression act. Except for cases expressly indicated on the Website or receiving the written consent of PGZ SW, users are not entitled to use PGZ SW trademarks separately or in combination with other verbal or graphic elements in press releases, advertisements, other promotional or marketing materials and in the media, written materials orally, electronically, visually or in any other form.

Website users have the right to use the materials posted on the Service only in the scope of the so-called fair use, in accordance with the provisions of the act on authors’ rights and neighbouring rights. No part of the Service may be copied in whole or in part for commercial purposes, transmitted electronically or otherwise, modified, linked or used, without the prior written consent of PGZ SW.
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PGZ SW currently updates information published in the Service but has no responsibility for accuracy, currency and completeness of the information presented in the Service. Simultaneously PGZ SW reserves the right to introduce changes in whole or in part of the Service, without notice. The risk bound with the use of Service and information contained therein bears the user. PGZ SW has no responsibility whatsoever for the damages resulting from use of the Service. PGZ SW, in particular, does not guarantee that the Website meets certain criteria of operation and quality, that it is safe, error-free or that it does not contain malicious software.

Certain links posted on the Service direct the user to websites, sites, resources or tools maintained by third parties. PGZ SW declares that it has no control over such links and that, by making them available, it does not endorse or guarantee the links or the content made available through them. PGZ SW reserves the right to modify these legal disclaimers at any time by posting their updated version under the link to the currently viewed website or to another place on the Service. By continuing to use the Service after the changes are made, you accept the modified version of the legal reservations.

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